Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why the Blog? And a Basket of Fruit.

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately.
And a number of good books.

Between them, among a few of my own experiences, I have come to the realization that I need to blog. I need to.

I used to be an avid journaler. I have written - hand-written even! - record of my daily thoughts between about ages 13 and 25. But for some reason, my written thoughts from the last 3 or 4 years can easily fit into one or two journals. Disappointing.

So, it wasn't hard for me to decide what I want to blog about. It happened one cloudy morning in Langley.
That morning was this morning.

I love the little things in life. This one little thing changed my day, and is therefore noteworthy.

But first, a side-note:

You know a little thing that can ruin your day more than anything? It's picking the wrong line-up in the grocery store. You know the process I'm talking about. You look down the row at all the lighted numbers. Half-way down, you pick the one that's the shortest you've seen... and you stand in line, but being kind of tall, you try to peer over the stands to see if there was perhaps a better choice than the one you made. But it's such a gamble to give up the place you've got. Now you look more closely at the cashier and you realize - yep, you picked the wrong line. No doubt about it. She's sweet. But you're not looking for sweet, you're looking for Type A, swipe-em-through-and-move-em-on. Anyways, that's the stuff of little-things nightmares.

So, today was not that day. Here's the story:

I took my basket full of fruit to, of course, the shortest check-out line. I noticed an owner-less basket sitting on the conveyor belt, but still felt optimistic about the sweet girl behind the counter. The owner returned shortly, and here's the little thing that changed my day: "Here, you should go ahead of me, you have less than me." What?! I had 4 things, and she honestly had maybe 7. Are you sure?? "Oh, totally, you'll be quick." Of course you know what happened next. The cashier loosened up, noticing this selfless act. The three of us (myself, sweet cashier, sweetest of ladies) engaged in pleasant conversation about coconut lime cookies, and I swear the sun broke through the clouds right above Save-On.

That's it. That's the little thing that made a cloudy day into a cloudy day filled with fruit and a happy peaceful feeling. Huh. There's gotta be more where that came from.


  1. Yay! I love it, Deb! You are awesome! Welcome to the blogging world, you'll like it here :)

  2. Love it Deb! Another sweet little thing is when a good chum gives you a call after a while of not talking...but it's unfortunate when that phone dies.
    (Wow, I sound like a girl. I better sign off as Rhonda.)


    PS - Great idea for a blog. We'll enjoy reading this. You better write regularly.... OR ELSE.

  3. i'm so excited that you have a blog.
    this is good. :D
