Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eleven Steps to Happy Grapes.

Little things are everywhere.
Little things are on my pear.
Little things are in our sink.
Little things... you really stink.

They start with an f.
Actually, f. f.

Fruit flies. Gross.

We had like one or two last week, I think. Yeah, bad batch of grapes, you know how it is.
Then Ryan and I both went away for the weekend, and phoom... whoosh... flap...? The f.f.'s moved in and did whatever it is they do to produce many more little f.f.'s.(sheesh, ever heard of renting a movie?)

So, we've done some research, and I want to share it with you all in case you ever get bad grapes.

1) Bleach everything.
2) Put pop or juice in a bowl.
3) Cover the bowl tightly with saran wrap. (Or no-name plastic wrap. Cheapest).
4) Poke holes in the saran/plastic wrap.
5) Watch in dismay as no f.f.'s get trapped. 
6) Change your mind and put cut-up bananas in the bowl instead.
7) Change your mind again and realize that yes, bananas are good. But that it's really because the holes weren't big enough that the f.f.'s didn't go in.
8) Poke bigger holes.
9) Bleach everything again.
10) Keep an eye on the bowl.
11) Giggle in delight when you see one... then two... then twelve little f.f. suckers get trapped in the banana bowl.

Yeah, so that's what we've been doin':

Running to check the f.f. count in the bowl.

Not eating bananas.

And smelling like bleach every minute of every day.


  1. ewww....
    me and barclay were just talking about bed bugs. and he said i shouldn't talk about bed bugs right before bed because they'll give me nightmares. and right then i said, "oh! deb just posted a new blog post..."
    and it was about bugs too.
    the theme for tonight's dream: bugs.

  2. ha, ewww is right!
    i am suddenly itchy all over...

    sleep good - sleep better than i will now that i'm also thinking about b.b.'s and f.f.'s...
